Friday, February 16, 2018

V-day Miller parties

I made a mistake and through Hayden needed a box for school, so I wrote Hayden on the back and sent it was Hudson that needed a box, so he ended up with a Hayden box. Oops! Not the last time that happens...

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mother- Son Date KNIGHT

WE enjoyed attending the Date KNIGHT this year at Monterey. Susu tagged along with us it was a fun night. Hudson was chosen to fight and was defeated (with some cheating involved) We enjoyed a picture with the masked rider at the end. Fun KNIGHT!

Thursday, February 1, 2018


All three kiddos participated in UIL. Annie won 1st for Music Memory and all three did well in math. Hudson got 4th place in Number Sense. Hayden struggled some, but we kept reminding him that he is young and this is all new. They were successful!